Does more traffic mean more sales?

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What a great question! And some of you might already guess the no!

In this podcast episode, I go through all the different factors to consider about converting traffic and what questions to ask yourself when looking at your traffic and website.

Listen to this podcast episode here:

Some things to consider when thinking about traffic converting to sales:

  • Not all blog posts are equal. It’s totally okay if you have one blog post that is attracting traffic that you want to convert to an email subscriber or funnel. As long as you are clear on your expectations here, then that’s fine.

  • If you are wanting traffic to directly sell to someone, you have to think about where they are in the buyer journey - are they using keywords that indicate they are ready to purchase what you have to offer? Or are they doing more informational searches that mean they are in the research phase? Wherever your visitor is at, the keyword they use will give you a lot of information and you can meet them where they are at.

  • Obviously, if you are running a website with ads, then traffic does literally mean sales. You still want to be capturing emails to stay in touch with your audience and measure the lifetime value of your visitors.

Where are you at with this topic? Share with me in the comments below.

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