Which SEO tasks to subcontract as a Therapist/Counsellor

One of the overwhelming parts of doing Search Marketing is that it can feel like there are a million moving parts in order to successfully rank. I hope this podcast episode and blog post help you understand how to prioritize and get better results with your SEO. 

Other resources to help you with this task of subcontracting SEO:

Listen to this episode below:

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Subcontracting certain parts of your Search Marketing can be helpful if you have the budget and space to work with a SEO.

Here are some SEO tasks you can start with subscontracting:

  • Keyword research -  this is definitely a whole job and many of our clients have expressed how stressful and annoying it can be. I’ve heard people suggest buying an SEO keyword research tool and although this is great, you have to learn how to actually USE the tool, in order to actually get results on your blog. If the thought of doing keyword research sounds fun, you probably aren’t reading this blog post. For everyone else, this is a great place to get started when it comes to subcontracting. 

  • Blog post uploading + optimization - just because you like to write, doesn’t mean you are going to enjoy uploading those blog posts to your website. That’s totally okay! Getting a Web Developer/SEO to not just upload your blog post but correctly format it, add images, and also optimize it for SEO can be very helpful for you and your team. 

  • Technical issues that might be impacting your ranking - here’s the deal: you can have the best content in the world that helps your audience, but if your site is slow or the overall website experience is frustrating, then that will work against you. Handing this off to a professional who knows what they are doing and who is able to resolve things quickly for you will free up your time and energy. Not to mention ensure that any technical problems don’t negatively impact your rankings. 

If you are looking for hands on SEO support, apply for our AIM service here: https://digitalbloomiq.com/aim

CINTHIA PachecoComment