Repurposing marketing content on your blog

Having a process and consistency around your Search Marketing can completely change the results you get over the long term. And one game-changer I’ve seen for many of my students and clients is to repurpose existing marketing content that you already have systems and processes around and create blog content from.

In this episode, we cover a few different ideas of how to take either content that already exists, as well as marketing you have a nice rhythm around and generating good blog content.

I hope you walk away from this episode with a bunch of new ideas and excitement around your blog content and traffic growth results.

Want more in-depth instructions + tools on how to transform your marketing content into blog posts? There is a whole lesson on this in the Homegrown Traffic SEO course where I share my screen and go through the entire process step by step that will help you blog more consistently and specifically for Search Marketing. Click here to get more information about the SEO course.

Listen to this podcast episode below

Quality vs. Quantity of content

Even though the point is to give you a bit of a shortcut to content creation, the reality is that Google (and humans) do prefer quality content. Make sure that whatever you decide to take action is leading to you creating content that is really helpful to your audience.

Remember to commit to a content rhythm that you can actually stick to for a few months. This will help you build confidence and once you start seeing the traffic grow, you’ll get more excited to write blog posts.

Repurposing other marketing content

Here are a few ways you can repurpose content to blog posts:

  • Podcast episodes > Transcribe > Write out blog posts

  • Social media posts > Reformat > Write out blog post

  • Videos (YouTube, Stories) > Transcribe > Write out blog post

  • Clubhouse room > Write out notes > Write into a blog post

Can I just copy/paste content from other channels?

I don’t recommend this. First of all, how someone experiences Instagram is different than how they experience your blog. You can definitely copy and paste portions of text but I highly recommend you spend a little more time looking at the format and the overall flow of the content on your website. Most of the time you’ll need to write additional text, change the format, add images, and make sure that your brand is being represented correctly on your website.

What about keywords?

Great question! If you have time to research keywords and do keywords analysis then this is a great way to align with words and phrases that your ideal audience is searching for. However, if you are already struggling to get blog content out there, I recommend first focusing on getting into a comfortable blogging rhythm before getting too obsessed over keywords.

This might not sound like SEO advice but in my experience, the clients and students who work with me are already in touch with what their ideal audience needs and they are probably already naturally targeting keywords to some extend. What is more, a struggle is actually publishing and getting content out there.

You can always go back and add more SEO tactics around keywords later. First, you need the blog content to be on your website in order to rank in Google.

How often should I be blogging?

Unfortunately, there is no perfect blogging rhythm that Google recommends. Instead, consider what you can commit to, what feels doable, and what is going to help you create quality content. Also, what can you delegate and get support with so you are consistently publishing fresh content?

Here are some blogging rhythm ideas:

  • Weekly

  • Biweekly

  • Monthly

  • Batch write quarterly and publish content every few weeks

The cool thing about SEO is that there may be something you wrote about months ago that actually is your top-ranking content.

Don’t be too hard on yourself around your blogging. Instead, start simple, get some traction, and over time the results you get will empower you to keep going.

And if you are looking for extra motivation around your blogging and website traffic, check out the Homegrown Traffic SEO course: There is a whole module on building a sustainable blogging routine and a few ideas/tricks to make it extra easy.

CINTHIA PachecoComment