Motivating yourself to write for SEO

You probably already know this but I’ll mention it anyway - avoiding writing for Search Marketing isn’t doing you any good.

I’ve always loved writing, but I recognize that writing for your website and specifically writing for SEO and Google can feel like a whole different type of writing.

In this blog post/podcast episode, I will share a few ideas to jump-start your website writing and more specifically, writing that will help you get ranked in Google.

Listen to the podcast version of this episode here:

Step 1) Get honest with yourself about your time and space to write right now

Imagine yourself talking to a close friend or mastermind buddy and asking them these questions:

  • How much extra time do you have for writing right now?

  • What do you feel comfortable committing to for at least the next 3-months?

If you are a perfectionist (or recovering perfectionist) it can be easy to fall into this all-or-nothing way of thinking that is probably not serving you in many areas of your life, but in particular, it isn’t helping your blogging!

When it comes to this blogging or writing goal, it is totally okay to start small and super simple.

Could you write 500 extra words per week and add them to your blog?

Could you set aside 30-min to just get something out, based on keyword research?

The great thing with SEO is you can always go back and improve specific blogs that are doing better. Yes, it’s important to publish content that is useful right from the start, but who says you can’t do this in phases or maybe break out a concept out in parts and explain each one over time.

Anything that will get you in action now will make a big difference in the long run since getting ranked in Google takes time. The sooner you start and get some rhythm going, the better.

Once you have a clear goal for the next 3 - 6 months, make sure to actually write it down somewhere you can see it daily. When you are starting this new habit, you’ll need to remind yourself often of it.

Step 2) Get to know your Search Console.

In the Homegrown Traffic SEO course, we have a whole module on Search Console setup and reporting. Enough said that the Search Console is one of the most important tools you can have in your pocket when it comes to ranking in Google.

Whether you like looking at data or not, I recommend scheduling time to look at your keywords and search rankings at least once a month. Tracking your progress and using this to define what you want to do next on your website will make a big difference in your results.

Search Marketing can’t be a set it and forget it kind of task. Once you do your first round of keyword research, there are ongoing tweaks and changes that happen as you notice which keywords get better traction than others. This will allow you to focus on the areas of your strategy that are getting better results faster and replicate them.

Just having the awareness around what keywords you are ranking in today can change everything!

Step 3) Work through any mindset blocks around visibility

Okay, so maybe you’ve done the two above things and you so badly want to rank in Google, but every time you sit down to write, you feel so blocked and stuck. It can be scary to put yourself online and show the world your ideas.

Working through your visibility fears (both unconscious and conscious) will help you make the most of the time you do have so you aren’t constantly battling yourself.

First I want you to know that imposter syndrome is a very real thing and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

You also should know that it is totally possible for you to work through them and slowly shift to new beliefs/ideas.

One of the most powerful tools I have when it comes to mindset is journaling. Just writing down what fears are coming up for you and questioning them can help you start to see them differently.

Wherever you are in your blogging journey, it is normal to at times have to tweak your frequency and find new better ways to stay consistent. I’d love to support you through the Homegrown Traffic SEO course. There are a few different lessons that talk about writing, as well as transforming existing content (like social media, podcast episodes) into blog posts. Click here to get more information about the SEO course!

Looking for more SEO resources? Check them out below

CINTHIA PachecoComment