Keywords vs. Grammar / ep 176

This week I did some stories on Instagram on the new passage based ranking factors integrated into the Google algorithm (I have them saved under the “Algorithm” highlight in case you want to watch them again).

I’ve also decided that I’ll be creating a page on my website to track algorithm changes from now on. Stay tuned - and if you want more information on algorithm updates, please let me know!

Here’s what you need to know about the passage based ranking for now:

  • It is tied with the language processing BERT technology.

  • With this new part of the algorithm, Google is able to go deeper in the page, finding useful bit and pieces that is in the middle and the bottom of the page

  • This does not affect how the search results actually look. This is part of the algorithm and can change how certain sites get ranked, but the Google search resuls page will look the same.

  • One of the biggest hints that Google has given us about how to have better sites is how we structure and organize the content. Which is why I’m going to be reviewing some of my favourite content ouline tips below.

My best content outline tips:

  • Before writing content, creating an outline that has a structure that is easy to follow is ideal. Think about how this blog post would be in book format:

Not all your content has to be this way, but it’s helpful to think about these types of structures.

  • When seperating your content into useful sections, use H2 or H3 for your headings. It’s been reported that it actually doesn’t make a huge difference in you use H2 or H3 but I do recommend you use it consistently.

  • Ensure the headings are slightly larger and distinguishable from the rest of your content. You can use your site’s CSS to change the style of your H2 or H3 consistently throughout your whole site.

If you find creating this type of content overwhelming, it is helpful to break it out in phases:

  • Write the intro one week and chapter 1 one week

  • Next week write chapter 2

  • Next week write chapter 3

Etc. etc. This way you can hit publish from week 1 and slowly build onto the content over time.

Where are you at with your content creation? This is one of my favourite parts of the SEO process and I have a couple of additional resources to get you inspired and looking forward to your content writing:

New Podcast Episode Alert! ☕️Keywords and Grammar (episode 176)

Speaking of writing, this is something that comes up for many of my clients and students when they are picking and using keywords.

When you pick a certain keyword phrase, you may notice that the grammar isn’t right or the keyword itself is missing punctuation. So what do you do?

In this podcast episode I cover:

  • Specific examples of this situation

  • My rule of thumb on what to do (and how to use your keyword correctly)

  • How Google inteprets these types of keywords

Other episodes you’ll like:

Listen to this episode 176 here:​

You can also listen on:

You can also check out my full keyword guide for Health and Wellness business here:

It's been so fun getting down and dirty with keywords in the last few podcast episodes. What other questions would you love for me to cover when it comes to keywords?

Stay tuned for next week's episode where I'll go a bit behind the scenes on my business.

Happy Friday,​

Cinthia P.

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