Should I migrate to the new version of Google Analytics (GA4)?

There is a new version of Google Analytics and lots of my clients have been asking me if this is something they need to be paying attention to.

In this episode, we talk about

  • The answer to this question on migration

  • Some of the biggest differences between Universal Analytics (previous version) and GA4

  • Quick walkthrough + what to setup + new reporting

Relevant Links:

Listen/watch the episode below:


Notes from this episode:

  • GA4 focus is on tracking events, no longer page views. This is a big shift in how we think about our websites, and in the long run, it’s going to make for more impactful reporting.

  • Since the focus is on events, there are some that are automatically tracked by Google Analytics, like scrolls, outbound clicks, and video engagement. Before these would have been tracked manually but it’s pretty cool that now we get these right out of the box.

  • Sessions (or visits) are measured differently. Previously in Universal Analytics, a visit was based on a specific time. Now, with GA4, sessions are based on events and interactions with those events.

  • There is a lot of new + cool reporting so we definitely recommend you set your GA4 account sooner rather than later and getting to know all the new reporting features.

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CINTHIA PachecoComment