3 Blog post types that attract the best traffic

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I know that sometimes writing for SEO doesn’t feel super exciting or sexy. But sometimes having a structure can be really helpful to getting started and not getting too bogged down with all the best practices.

This is what I talk about in this podcast episode - some blog post structures that will inspire you to get writing and start to rank in Google, even if you aren’t feeling inspired right now.

Find this topic interesting, here are some other blog posts you’ll like:

Listen to episode 182 here:


Before you dive into these content structures, here are a couple of things you want to keep in mind:

  • Each industry has its own best practices around how to present and share content. Take the content structures in this podcast episode and choose the one that inspires you the most and related to the content you are writing about.

  • Use these formats if you are feeling stuck with what to write about or how to write about certain things.

Blog type #1: List posts

Blog type #2: In depth Guide:

Blog type #3: Case Study

Next steps:

  • Choose one of the blog types that is most exciting to you and get writing!

  • Pick one to start with.

  • Don’t be afraid to work in phases.

The Homegrown Traffic SEO course gives you a step-by-step methodology around your blog writing that works! More information here: https://courses.digitalbloomiq.com/homegrown-traffic-seo-course

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CINTHIA PachecoComment