Why is my website traffic going down?

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We all know that feeling - that drop in your stomach as you see that your traffic has been steadily dropping the last few months and you have no idea why.

It might have been because of something you did (or didn’t) do but many times, it is because of factors outside your control.

In this podcast episode, I talk about possible causes for website drops and how to take action.

Listen to this podcast episode 187 here:

Episode Breakdown

(make sure to listen if you want more details on each of these).

The reality is website drops and fluctuations are a normal part of the game of having an online website. All we can do is focus on the things we can control.

Some external factors to consider when it comes to website drops:

  • Have there been fewer searches on that particular topic?

  • Do you have more competition in your industry or niche that is now sharing a portion of your audience’s traffic?

  • Has there been a recent Google algorithm update that has changed how your website ranks?

Internal factors to consider that you can impact:

  • Is the search intent of your keyword-targeted content aligned with what your audience is searching?

  • What is the quality of your content? Is it actually helpful and impactful to those searching?

  • Are there any important technical errors that are making your website painful to visit?

These are more internal factors to consider. but this is a great start. Looking to get started with your own SEO audit process? Download your very own SEO Audit checklist below:

This checklist is a great starting point to making sure all the SEO basics are setup on your website.

Want more SEO resources? Here they are!