Interview your Data! Reviewing my own data

This is week two of my blog series "Interview your Data" and I'm super excited to lift the curtain on my own data. That's right, your going to be looking at live reporting from my own site

And using this data, I wanted to tackle a common question blog owners and entrepreneurs have about blog content. Here is the two part question:

Which blog content are users landing on my site on and then leaving? On the flip side, which content do users come to my site to and then stay? Why?


Check out the video below to learn how to find the answer:


Key Takeaways from the video:

- The report I used: Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages- Make sure to filter out all values from main site pages likes "about" and "work with me". This will make it easier for you to analyze only blog posts. Here is an example of what this filter might look like:

- Pay attention to high and low bounce rates. Specifically analyze the blog content, but also consider site design and call to action.- Finally, document all your hypothesis(es?) and keep this handy. When you make changes to your site, write down the dates so that you can compare any changes in the data.

So now what? You can take a look at the content that was successful and ask yourself these questions:

- Can I write a follow up post to this?- Is there something I missed in this post that I can delve more into?- Are there similar topics that I can write about?- What medium did I use in this last post? Could I switch it up? Video? Audio? Infographic?

Write out your answers. Make sure to use pen and paper. Get away from the screen for a bit. Draw out your brainstorm. Mind map freely.

Do this both for blog content that has a high and low bounce rate and see if any ideas pop up.

Want to get the rest of the interviews for this series? I will be interviewing food bloggers, yoga instructors, and many other online entrepreneurs. Stay in the loop here :)