Digital Bloom IQ

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SEO Case Study with Hubert Johnson

This is such a special conversation with Hubert Johnson, a tax attorney and our client at DBIQ. We discussed our successful partnership in improving the SEO and online presence of Guardian Tax Law.

Initially, Hubert had reservations about SEO due to past experiences with other companies, but working with our team has brought significant growth and profitability to his business. The collaboration and communication between Hubert and us have been key factors in our success. Hubert expresses his confidence in the future of our partnership and the continued growth of his business.

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What You'll Learn in This Episode:

  • Collaboration and communication are essential for a successful SEO partnership

  • Improving online presence and SEO can lead to increased leads and profitability

  • Taking ownership and understanding the basics of SEO can enhance the partnership

  • A long-term approach to SEO yields better results

  • A well-functioning website builds confidence and allows for effective marketing strategies

  • Regular communication and transparency are crucial in the SEO process

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