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3 Practical Tips for Doing a Webinar + Video!

This week I ran a webinar with Alistair Gill about using Google Analytics to track your next launch (if you want to get the replay, check it out here). Apart from some initial technical difficulties it was a huge success and I’m proud of the work we did.

Webinars can really impact your business by giving your audience the opportunity to get to know you a bit better (seeing your face!), as well as showing yourself as an expert in your field.


If you are a little nervous in front of the camera, brainstorm a bit about how to get a little more comfortable and make it yours!

Watch the below video to get the three tips that I learned from doing this last webinar:

In summary:

  • Give yourself time to prepare your content: Quality content takes time. Once you build the presentation/worksheet/script for webinar, it is great to let it sit for a couple days before looking at it again. Also, it gives your brain time to digest what you will present so that when you do present on the big day, you will be a lot calmer and confident.

  • Do mirror work/rehearse: The term “mirror work” might sound a bit weird but this is something great to try to improve your speaking skills overall. Sit in front of the mirror and literally rehearse what you would say to your audience. Practise presenting yourself and your business; how do you want to sound? What do you want to highlight? All these details are important, especially when you kick off the webinar. You want to blast your audience with positive energy and practising this can make a huge difference.

  • Schedule a technical dry run: I can’t empathize how important this is (although glitches are probably going to happen anyway - like when our WebinarJam link wouldn’t boot 3 minutes before starting the webinar..eek!) If you can smooth out as many technical cracks as possible before the actual webinar, it can make all the difference. If you do need to deal with a live technical problem, at least you will be a bit more chill to handle the situation at hand.

These 3 practical tips will make a huge difference on how you perform on your live webinar day and how you feel; enjoy this amazing moment to connect with your audience!


That’s it! Let me know in the comments section before if you have any upcoming webinars for me to join :) Love to see what amazing information you are putting out there.